We are talking about what mycosis is, what symptoms of skin and nail lesions are characteristic of this disease and how the fungus can be treated.

What is mycosis?
Mycosis, or fungus, is an infectious disease with a high degree of contagion, which is provoked by parasitic fungi. It can affect both humans and animals. The infection affects the skin of the face and body, the scalp, mucous membranes (including internal organs), and nail plates.
The disease is prone to relapse, so it can be difficult to recover from the fungus without consulting a doctor.
The causes of the fungus
Infection with a fungus can occur through direct contact with the carrier of the infection or surfaces and objects on which there are spores of pathogenic fungi. Some pathogens of the fungus are considered opportunistic, for example, the genus Candida. This means that they live in the body and sometimes even bring benefits, but in certain situations they provoke diseases.
However, harmful fungi do not always cause disease. Normally, the immune system of a healthy person easily copes with a fungal infection, preventing its spread throughout the body. What are the prerequisites for the development of mycoses?
Decreased immunity
Like any infection, the fungus is more likely to infect people with weakened immune systems. Persons who have recently had an infectious disease and have been taking antibacterial agents for a long time are at great risk of mycosis. Also, patients with cancer who are being treated with cytostatics are prone to fungal infection. This includes people with immune deficiencies such as HIV and AIDS.
Disregard for personal hygiene
The fungus often attacks people who neglect personal hygiene - do not use an individual foot towel, do not put on flip-flops in the shower of the gym or by the pool, try on shoes in a store without socks.
Mycosis can be contracted in beauty salons if the masters do not properly process the tools for manicure and pedicure.
Certain chronic diseases
Especially those that are associated with poor healing of skin lesions - wounds, calluses, cracks. For example, the skin of people with diabetes is more fragile, and regeneration processes are slower. Injured areas become the gateway for fungal infection and more.
Individual characteristics
These include increased sweating (hyperhidrosis), which develops on its own or as a symptom of a disease. An important role is played by the structural features of the foot - the narrow interdigital space in combination with hyperhidrosis creates favorable conditions for the development of the fungus.
Wearing tight shoes also predisposes to the onset of fungus, as it provokes the formation of calluses and injures the nail plate.
Types of fungus
There is no unified classification of mycoses at the moment, but most often fungal diseases are considered in terms of the prevalence of the process. Superficial mycoses include:
- keratomycosis - the fungus is found only in the uppermost (stratum corneum) layer of the skin of the face and body (versicolor versicolor);
- dermatomycosis / dermatophytosis - covers the epidermis, dermis, hair follicles and nails (onychomycosis);
- candidiasis - mycosis of the mucous membranes ("thrush"), skin folds caused by Candida fungi.
Systemic mycoses involve not only skin and mucous membranes in infection, but also internal organs (histoplasmos).
According to the origin of the causative agents of fungal infections, they are divided into:
- yeast,
- moldy,
- domiformes.
Of these, only the first are part of the normal human microflora. The rest of the fungi act as pathogens.
It is possible to reliably determine the type of fungus pathogen using laboratory diagnostics - smears or scrapings from affected tissues. In systemic fungal diseases, a blood test is an element of diagnosis. Examinations will help to exclude pathologies with similar symptoms, such as fungal T-cell lymphoma of the skin.
Signs of skin mycoses and nail fungus
The course of the fungal disease is largely due to the variety of the causative fungus itself. But, in general, superficial mycoses have similar symptoms of damage. Skin mycoses are characterized by symptoms such as:
- discoloration of the skin due to a fungal disease - redness or discoloration of the affected tissues;
- the formation of flaky or weeping spots and plaques, which, with the progression of the disease, can merge into one;
- itching in the focus of inflammation;
- the appearance of crusts.
When the scalp is affected, hair loss and brittleness are observed. Dandruff can also be caused by fungal infections. On the face, the fungus is often noted in the crease of the upper eyelid.
When the feet are affected by mycosis, painful cracks, burning, itchy blisters, thickening and engorgement of the skin are observed. Occasionally, an unpleasant odor may be present with a lesion. The skin in the spaces between the fingers is the most vulnerable place for fungus. If a bacterial infection joins the disease, purulent ulcers appear on the skin.
Symptoms of onychomycosis: what does a nail look like when damaged?
- the affected nail during the disease changes color to yellow, black, brown or another shade;
- the nail plate becomes brittle, thickens or, on the contrary, becomes thinner;
- the nail is often separated from the bed, forming a "pocket";
- change in the relief or shape of the nail plate in case of a disease;
- inflammation of adjacent tissues (periungual fold).
Toenails, especially on the big toes, are more likely to be affected by onychomycosis than on the hands.
Preparations for the treatment of fungus: how to choose
Drugs for the prevention and treatment of fungal infections are called antimycotics. According to the mechanism of action directed against fungi, antimycotics can be divided into two types:
- fungicidal - destroy the spores of fungal infection;
- fungistatic - inhibit the activity of microorganisms (but do not kill) and prevent the spread of infection.
The strength of the drug itself depends directly on the sensitivity of a particular fungus to the drug, as well as on the dosage of the drug itself. Therefore, one and the same agent can show both fungicidal and fungistatic properties against different fungi-pathogens. But antifungal drugs, like many antibiotics, are often versatile and have a broad spectrum of action.
Oral administration of drugs for the treatment of fungal diseases is justified in cases where the infection:
- does not respond to local therapy,
- is systemic,
- affects internal organs. In the most advanced cases, antifungal agents are prescribed in injection solutions.
One example of an effective drug that treats systemic fungal lesions and extensive superficial skin and nail diseases is fluconazole. Forms of production - tablets, capsules, powders for suspensions, liquids for injections.
Thus, for the effective treatment of skin mycoses and nail fungus, it is better to use drugs for external use, since they do not have a systemic effect and almost do not cause side reactions. Local remedies come in the form of:
- ointments;
- creams;
- drip solutions (including for nails);
- spray solutions;
- antifungal nail polishes.
Before using drugs for the fungus, you must read the instructions or consult a doctor.
Means for the treatment of fungus of the skin of the body and feet
The review of remedies for the treatment of fungus of the scalp, body and legs, as well as nails is for informational purposes only. Data on antifungal medications are taken from official instructions. Before using them, you must study the annotation or consult your doctor.
Antifungal drug for external use. The action on the pathogens of the fungus depends on the dose.
- In small concentrations, the drug has a fungistatic effect, in large concentrations it has a fungicidal effect.
- Effective against dermatomycetes, yeast-like and mold fungi, pink lichen pathogen and some bacteria. In sensitive fungi, resistance to drugs with clotrimazole is relatively rarely formed.
- As a local remedy, the drug is used in the treatment of fungal lesions of smooth skin, interdigital cracks in the legs, secondarily complicated mycoses, fungus of diaper rash of the skin.
- The duration of local drug treatment depends on the severity of the disease, the effectiveness of treatment and the specific form of release.
In gynecological practice, it is used in the treatment of thrush, as well as as a disinfectant before childbirth.
Examples of drugs with clotrimazole for the treatment of mycotic diseases of the skin of the body and legs
Creamapply 2 - 3 times a day with a thin layer on cleansed skin areas. Treatment of dermatomycosis takes at least 4 weeks, pityriasis versicolor - 1 - 2 weeks. In case of fungal diseases of the skin of the legs, the course is continued 2 weeks after the elimination of the symptoms of the lesion.
Powdershould be applied to the skin 3 - 4 times a day, while improvements are observed after 3 - 5 days of treatment. To prevent recurrence of the disease or complications of the fungus, they are also used within 2 weeks after recovery.
Solutionfor external use requires a double application to the affected areas during the day.
Compared to the creamy texture, the ointments take longer to be absorbed into the skin, but soften the crusts.
Creamwhich, in addition to clotrimazole, includes the glucocorticoid beclomethasone, which relieves itching and inflammation in the affected skin areas, has an anti-allergic effect and reduces exudation (fluid release from wounds).
It is indicated for the treatment of advanced and uncomplicated mycoses of various parts of the body, skin of the feet, including those with symptoms of eczema. The product is applied to the prepared skin 2 to 3 times a day.
- A cream that contains three active ingredients - clotrimazole, beclomethasone and gentamicin. The latter is an antibiotic.
- The cream is used for secondarily infected dermatoses, dermatomycosis and epidermophytosis of the arms, legs and feet twice a day.
- The duration of the cream treatment is no more than 4 weeks.
A drug with a predominantly fungicidal effect against dermatophytes, mold, yeast and yeast-like fungi. It can be used both internally for systemic diseases, and externally.
- Terbinafine tablets are used for mycoses of the scalp, fungus of the skin and nails, common skin lesions with fungus, candidiasis of the mucous membranes and epidermis.
- Outwardly, the drug is used for the treatment and prevention of dermatomycosis of smooth skin of the body, including legs and feet, inguinal zone, diaper rash, infected with fungus, pityriasis versicolor.
Examples of products with terbinafine for the treatment of mycotic skin diseases
Creamcan be used from 12 years old. In the treatment of mycoses of the skin of the trunk, legs and feet, it is applied once a day for 1 week. If on the feet there is coarsening of the skin, cracks, itching and peeling, the treatment is extended to 2 weeks, 1 - 2 times a day. A similar scheme is for skin candidiasis and versicolor lichen.
For diaper rash, gauze can be applied over the top, especially at night, to reduce discomfort.
Aerosolthe duration of treatment for skin fungus is reduced to 1 week (1 time per day), but it is only suitable for adults. The skin must be thoroughly moisturized, so the product is applied in sufficient quantity.
Dermgelit is used for fungi in the same way as the spray. It is chosen with increased sweating of the feet, since it has a drying effect due to its high alcohol content. Plus, the gel consistency of the drug has a cooling effect, which relieves itching.
Antimycotic with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity. Promotes the rapid disappearance of itching and inflammation. Fungicidal and fungistatic action depends on the strain of the causative agent of the disease.
It is used in the treatment of nail fungus, pityriasis versicolor, mycosis of large folds and feet, bacterially complicated fungus.
Examples of remedies with naftifine for the treatment of mycotic diseases of the skin of the body
Creams and solutions for external use.
The method of application of both forms is the same: the preparations are applied to dried and cleansed skin in the affected area, capturing 1 cm of healthy tissues. With dermatomycosis and candidiasis of the skin, treatment lasts up to 4 weeks, if necessary, it can be extended up to 8 weeks.
Antimycotic with fungicidal and fungistatic activity. It has an antibacterial effect against streptococci and staphylococci. It is used for dermatomycosis of smooth skin and scalp, inguinal folds, candidiasis.
Means for the treatment of nail fungus
In the treatment of nail fungus, special medicinal varnishes are often used. The composition of many of them as an active substance includes amorolfine, an effective agent for external use with a wide spectrum of action.
This drug exhibits fungicidal and fungistatic activity by destroying the cell membrane of fungi. After application, the product soaks the nail and penetrates the bed during the day. The therapeutic concentration in the nail is achieved 7 to 10 days after the first application.
The degree of fungal infection:
- should not affect more than 2/3 of the surface of the nail;
- if the prevalence of nail fungus is more common, consult your doctor for an effective antifungal tablet.
Before applying the products, you need to remove the top layer from the affected areas using the files that are usually included in the kit. Files should not be used on healthy nails.
After preparing the plate, thoroughly treat the surface with an alcohol swab in order to additionally disinfect, degrease and remove the sawn-off particles of the nail. Using the applicator, completely cover the nail with an even coat of varnish. Drying time for nails is approximately 3 minutes. Avoid getting the composition on the adjacent soft integument to avoid dry skin.
Treatment of nail fungus continues until the nail plate is completely restored, and getting rid of it is so easy. Therefore, you need to be patient, because the process takes about 6 months for fingernails and 9-12 months for toenails. The application procedure is repeated 1 - 2 times a week.
During the treatment period, you should abandon the extension of artificial nails and the use of decorative coatings. Although some products allow for the coverage of the affected nail plate with cosmetic compounds, it is best to avoid this. Why?
The structure of the nail affected by the fungus becomes looser and more susceptible to external factors. Thus, the pigment contained in the decorative varnish eats in deeper and can affect the final shade of the "healed" nail.
The drugs can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of fungal nail infections. They are not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating mothers.
In the treatment of onychomycosis, some "skin" agents with naftifine are also effective. Show fungicidal properties against fungi-dermatophytes, have a fungistatic effect on fungi of the genus Candida.
Before using the products, nails that have signs of fungal infection are also pre-polished with a file and trimmed with scissors. Then apply to the entire surface, covering with a thick bandage, twice a day.
The course of treatment is 6 months, with complicated forms - 8 months, after which it is continued to be used for 2 weeks to prevent relapse.
Antimycotics have contraindications. When applying them at home, be guided not by reviews, but only by official instructions.